We asked our Associate Composer, Marco Galvani, to write a new piece for our concert at Kings Place on 11 September 2016. The programme is called Lux and approaches the theme of light from several perspectives. Here are a few words from Marco about his new piece, Et Civitas:
The passage I have chosen from the Book of Revelation has a particular resonance with me when considering the theme of light. This particular text creates the notion of light as all-permeating and all-encompassing, and the Glory of God as a light that shines through all physical objects. I was attracted to the line 'the Lamb is its lamp', as this conjures the theme of reflection. The meaning of God's word is translated into human form, and this type of spiritual illumination is something that I have tried to convey in my musical setting of this text.
Towards the end of this piece, I have attempted to depict the fragmentation and refraction of light rays through freely repeating motivic cells in the soprano and alto parts. As the individual lines intertwine they form a focal point of the piece, highlighting the line 'the glory and honour of the nations will be brought into it', which is emphatically sung by the tenors and basses.
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