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St Cross Church, Winchester

  • St Cross Church St Cross Back St Winchester, England, SO23 United Kingdom (map)

Join us at our home venue at St Cross in Winchester for a special Christmas concert to celebrate our fifth anniversary with Christmas choral music old and new, mulled wine and mince pies!

Tavener - O, do not move
Vaughan Williams - The truth sent from above
Tavener - The Lamb
Tallis - Videte miraculum
McDowall - O Oriens
Whitacre - Lux aurumque
Chilcott - The Shepherd’s Carol
Warlock - Bethlehem Down
Lauridsen - O Magnum Mysterium

Biebl - Ave Maria
Hallgrímsson - Joseph and the Angel
Mouton - Nesciens Mater
Galvani - The Oxen
Rutter - Dormi, Jesu
Archer - A little child there is y born
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Rutter - What Sweeter Music

Earlier Event: December 11
Temple Church, London
Later Event: January 26
Pusey House Chapel, Oxford